Shipping Rates We provide Standard, Expedited shipping within USA.We do ship International with prior approval of email quote
The Standard Shipping orders are shipped either thru UPS/FEDEX Ground & Expedited Order are shipped thru UPS/FEDEX Next Day, FEDEX 2nd day Air, FEDEX/UPS 3 Day Select. UPS Ground may take 1-7 business days depending on the items you ordered and location of warehouse where the item are stocked. We advise our customers to select the UPS Ground method since most of the items are shipped directly from our manufacturer’s warehouse and most of our manufacturer’s warehouse are located throughout USA . For Example if the item you ordered needs to drop be shipped from Manufacturer's warehouse and which has six regional distribution centers located in following states and items if available will be shipped from nearest possible warehouse.
In the case of items is from other Manufacturer's catalog, It will probably shipped from any of The company maintained 29 distribution centers to deliver products to its health care customers where and when they need them Which can be delivered within 2-7 business days So even in the UPS/FEDEX Ground shipping method , Most of the items can be delivered within 2-7 business days