Autism & PDD More Picture Stories & Language Activities: Why Questions Patricia Snair Koski

PRO-ED SKU: 37640


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Ages: 8-12Grades: 3-7

Target "why" questions and other essential language skills with the highly-successful framework of Matt and Molly stories. Sequential story cards, sentence strips, lesson plans, and teaching strategies complete the program.

A "why" question is posed in each story, giving students a choice between two different story endings. The format builds anticipation and lets children determine and participate in the story's outcome.

Each story and its lesson plan is a launch pad for interactive language activities in:

  • sequencing
  • inferring, predicting, and reasoning
  • "why" questions
  • narrative language and descriptive language
  • literacy and text comprehension
  • parts of speech
    • nouns
    • verbs
    • pronouns
    • adjectives
    • adverbs
    • prepositions
    • conjunctions
    • interjections

The program has materials and lesson plans for eight stories and includes:

  • 40 sturdy, full-color 8½" x 11" sequence pictures (five for each story)
  • 48 large-print sentence strips per story (six for each story)
  • a teacher manual with:
  • two-day lesson plans for each story
  • take-home page with mini-story pictures for each story
  • teaching techniques and adaptations for nonverbal children
  • progress chart

You can easily adapt the lessons and materials to meet the needs of individuals, small groups, or an entire class. The lessons are infused with teaching techniques especially for children with autism and PDD.

The activities include:

  • describing the people, places, and things in the story pictures
  • learning new vocabulary concepts
  • predicting the next event in the story
  • answering a wh- question and choosing the story ending
  • retelling the story
  • identifying the missing picture
  • matching sentence strips to pictures
  • acting out the story
  • identifying parts of speech
  • take-home story sheets

COMPLETE KIT INCLUDES: 28-page lesson plan book; 40, 8½" x 11" story cards; 8 sheets with print sentences, vinyl folder. (©2013)