Reading Level: NonreadersInterest Level: 6 - 12
Banking for Nonreaders, helps students with limited or no reading skills learn basic banking transactions to prepare for life in the real world. SymbolStix symbols by News-2-You support the text and allow struggling readers to read and understand the clear and simple text.
Students set up checking accounts and then practice writing checks, making deposits, withdrawing money from an ATM, making purchases with a debit card, maintaining a check register, and reviewing monthly balances on bank statements. Each banking activity relates to a real-life scenario, for example, students earn money by helping a neighbor clean her garage and then deposit that into a bank account or they pay for a birthday gift for a friend with a debit/ATM card. The program can be enhanced with the PCI MoneyCalc.
- Teaching Suggestions
- 320 Reproducible Activity Sheets
- 2 Levels to Meet Student Needs
- Answer Key
Level 1 Designed for students with limited reading and limited writing abilities. Tracing font is included on all checks, deposit slips, and check registers for students who need significant writing support.
Level 2 The same stories that appear in Level 1 are also included in Level 2, and the symbol support continues. This level does not feature the tracing font of Level 1; instead, answer cues are provided to help students complete each transaction independently.
326 pages • 8.5" x 11" • softcover • ©2010
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