Liebman’s Neuroanatomy Made Easy and Understandable–Seventh Edition S. David Gertz

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Liebman’s Neuroanatomy Made Easy and Understandable – Seventh Edition is an essential resource for students and professionals. The author leaves out extraneous theories and unnecessary details. Only the basics of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, physical diagnosis, and neurology remain. The subject matter is presented in a simple and personal style. This straightforward approach makes the book much easier to read and absorb than more convoluted neuroanatomy texts.

This impressive work, now in its seventh edition, includes updated chapters and appendixes, and some new material: Chapter 12 has an added figure that summarizes the general plan of the autonomic nervous system, with extra attention paid to the area of the head; Chapter 13 includes an original drawing that clarifies and summarizes the origin and destination of fiber types that pass through the ciliary ganglion; and Chapter 23, has a significant amount of new material related to pathologic conditions of the central nervous system. Also, a chapter has been added that discusses Fragile-X syndrome, Autism, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).Whether used as a textbook, review aid, or professional reference, Liebman's Neuroanatomy Made Easy and Understandable serves students well throughout their medical or allied health education.


  1. The Microscopic Basis of Neuroanatomy
  2. The Macroscopic Basis of Neuroanatomy
  3. Pain and Temperature Pathway from the Extremities and Trunk
  4. Pathway for Pressure and Simple (Crude) Touch from the Extremities and Trunk
  5. Pathway for Proprioception, Fine (Discriminatory) Touch, and Vibratory Sense from the Extremities and Trunk
  6. Sensory Pathways from the Face and Related Areas
  7. Pathway for Voluntary Muscle Activity
  8. Pathway to Voluntary Muscles of the Head
  9. Subcortical Motor Areas
  10. The Vestibular System
  11. The Cerebellum and Its Pathways
  12. The Autonomic Nervous System
  13. Cranial Nerves
  14. The Auditory Pathway
  15. Visual Pathways and Optic Reflexes
  16. The Olfactory and Limbic Systems
  17. The Reticular System
  18. The Hypothalamus
  19. The Cerebral Cortex
  20. The Meninges
  21. Blood Supply to the Brain
  22. Cerebrospinal Fluid and the Ventricular System
  23. Pathologic Conditions of the Central Nervous System
  24. Fragile-X, Autism, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  25. Appendices
  26. Index

325 pages • 8.5 x 11 • softcover • ©2007

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