SpellRead Teacher Cards & Materials Kit

PRO-ED SKU: 20555


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Proven Reading Intervention for the Most Struggling Readers in Grades 2–12


Florida Center for Reading Research (Wahl, 2006) identified SpellRead as a scientifically based reading intervention program.

SpellRead is a 1-year, small-group reading intervention program designed for students who are more than 2 years behind grade level, students with learning differences, and English language learners. The program focuses on phonological automaticity and reading fluency.

Each lesson combines intensive phonemic and phonetic instruction activities. The program moves sequentially through three phases of instruction. The Teacher’s Manuals provide easy-to-follow daily lesson plans.

Combined with comprehension and writing practice, SpellRead provides a complete and effective reading program.

Evaluation of SpellRead by Florida Center for Reading Research (Wahl, 2006)

The FCRR identified SpellRead as a scientifically based reading intervention program, identifying the following strengths, among others:

  • Multiple and varied phonemic awareness and phonics activities are included
  • The format is explicit, highly structured, step-by-step
  • Intense focus on fluency was noted
  • Review begins each phase to ensure a firm foundation
  • Teacher’s Manual is clear and easy to follow
  • Consistent questioning during Share Read guides students’ focus
  • Written responses clarify whether students understand what they have read
  • Studies demonstrate substantial gains across grade levels and among students with differing ability levels
  • No weaknesses were noted

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Additional helpful files:

SpellRead Teacher Cards & Materials Kit: Includes Teacher Materials Set (Teacher Manuals for Phases A, B, and C; Teacher’s Resource Book; Supplemental Lessons and Activities for Remediation; and Answer Keys for Phases A, B, and C), plus Teacher Cards Kit
