The United States Constitution Classroom Set

PRO-ED SKU: 20887


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Reading Level 3 - 3.9
Interest Level 4 - 12

This complete, easy-to-use program makes the Constitution accessible to students with limited reading skills. This standards-based, field-tested program is appropriate for middle and high school students and can be used with American government, U.S. history, ESL, and adult literacy classes. The low reading level, sophisticated page layout, and age-appropriate illustrations make the student text and activities appealing to struggling readers. Use as a primary text or as a supplement to existing programs. For on-level students, students with learning differences, students with behavior challenges, and students and adults who are reading below grade level.

Student Text

The full-color, 32-page student text presents the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the amendments rewritten at a 3.0-3.9 reading level. The consumable text also addresses the Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and other issues that prompted the writing of the Constitution. The student text discusses the branches of government, checks and balances, federalism, how a bill becomes a law, and the federal court system. Also covers the roles of political leaders, such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, in the creation of the United States government. Text includes a time line, flow charts, and a glossary.

Teacher's Guide

The United States Constitution Teacher's Guide includes 49 reproducible student worksheets that reinforce each section of the student text with true/false, multiple-choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and crossword-puzzle activities. The teacher's guide also has copies of original documents, such as the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the United States Constitution; a review; pre- and posttests; discussion starters; and complete answer keys.

The United States Constitution Classroom Set Includes: 10 Student Texts and 1 Teacher's Guide.
